I launched this site 11th of Jan. 2025. I've made a lot more before, but i'm not linking this site or linking any here (as of right now) ..in order to just see if I can get visits with *no* 'advertising' whatsoever. Neocities already has a hit counter, so I'd just appreciate if you'd sign the guestbook so i could see..Well if anyone actually enjoys it!
This site is for me to showcase things i like -like quantum theories, philosophy related stuff, ect. Some will be political. Hope that's not too irritating. This site is probably suitable for babies like me who need googoo words to understand things. I hope you enjoy and that I don't sound pretentious.
I'd love all corrections. I'm not highly educated on..anything ever. I'm stupid. And it's very very obvious. So if anyone could correct me if i make any mistakes, i'd love it a ton.
Also, this was built on Seamonkey and probably works best on there. But I think it's alright with anything. And excuse my spelling mistakes...this isn't supposed to be a big fancy site you know.
Note just because I write something doesn't necessarily mean I believe it. Unless it's political, or something like that..I mean like with the religious things, especially. Like for example, i'm clearly not a Hindu..