1.11.24 The Egg (Theory)
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the egg theory is stemmed from Andy Weir's short story The Egg that follows a 48 year old man who dies and discovers the meaning of life. it's not 42 in this case! he is told that he has been reincarnated many times and that he's about to be reincarnated as a chinese peasant girl in 540 AD. he is told all humans are incarnations of himself, (or well, in the story he is you, so all humans around you are incarnations on *you!* so im an incarnation of you too!) every human who has lived and will ever live is. the person (narrator..speaker..whoever) adds that you've been every holocaust survivor, john wilkes booth, ect. it explains there are godlike beings and that you one day will become one! the entire universe was created as an egg (hey..i heard that somewhere) for the main character and once you have lived the life of everyone (human) to ever exist, you will become a god. "Every time you victimized someone ... you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you."
i think this story is a nice one and would be a cool ass outcome even though some people say it's not fun to think about, especially since i've had similar ideas like the short story and the theory before, i love reading ideas similar to ones i've had before and having agreements and whatnot.
in my understanding, the theory states that everyone is a manifestation of the same conciousness or soul, and you are basically everyone..being reincarnated over and over to gain spiritual knowledge and growth. you have and will live the lives of billions (maybe even trillions) of humans, including everyone around you, everyone that you know, everyone you hate..ect. i think this can even serve as a lesson, especially with the last quote. maybe inspiring you to be kinder to others? cuz i dont know, maybe in a few billion years youll be living their life (or maybe you already did a few million years ago) and youll feel pretty bad then...
its also one of my favorite theories about what happens in the afterlife. its pretty cool to think you can live the life of EVERYONE.. and see through every perspective, wether its through the eyes of a kardashian or a chinese sweatshop worker. even if you clearly dont remember it..and you can be a god in the end! thats when i think itd all come back to you, all the experience and stuff. real life xp.
so basically, in a nutshell (or eggshell..hehe sorry that wasnt funny.) this theory states that the universe is yours and its an egg for you to grow and mature in, going through billions and billions of lives and experiences through so many different perspectives to spiritually gain knowledge (and again..grow and mature in) and youll reincarnate and reincarnate until youve lived every single human life possible and become a god. i like to think that for everyone elses conciousness, they have their own egg universe and youll meet them sometime in..god afterlife? not sure what to call it..